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2014 Genetics.
Pay close attention to 46B folks!
2013 Genetics
2012 Genetics

The hardest working dog on the farm!

The Grandsons

Kassandra, Cordell, Damian & Shandelle

The Saskatchewan Livestock Association is pleased to acknowledge Robert & Marjorie Young for their contribution to their community and to the livestock industry in Saskatchewan with this Scroll of Honour.
Barry Young was born September 5, 1952 in Gainsborough, SK and grew up on the family farm north of Carievale. He attended school in Carievale and Oxbow. Marjorie Saar was born June 29, 1953 and attended school in Gainsborough, SK. Barry & Marjorie were high school sweethearts who married in July of 1970 and together they began building their farm and family right away. They have two children: Angie (Dan Cliffe) and Robb and four grandchildren.
Barry grew up around cows, horses, farming, oil rigs and sports. He actively participated in his local beef 4-H club activities as a youth, taking home many ribbons and trophies to proudly display. This sparked an interest that helped mold his future. Barry played Junior B hockey with the Carnduff Angels and senior hockey with the Carnduff Red Devils. Marj grew up on a farm as well and enjoyed the farm life as well as cooking, baking and curling.
Barry has always loved the farm life, raising horses and commercial cattle. In 1965 he talked his dad into purchasing his first purebred Aberdeen Angus cow, Grace of Deenborough, from Mr. And Mrs. Willowby of Alameda, SK. This was the end of raising commercial stock for Barry and the beginning of a purebred operation still in operation today. He named his herd “Young Dale Angus” after a special cousin, Dale, which has led to more than a little confusion over the years as people, not knowing Barry, thought his name must be Dale!
In the early years of their marriage Barry worked on service rigs for Widney Well Servicing as well as Battery Operated for Scurrey Rainbow. Years later Barry and Marj both drove the school bus and Marj worked at the Co-op for many, many years as well. Barry’s determination to build a strong and unique group of cattle that would provide them a living did come to fruition and both he and Marj were able to “retire” from their off farm jobs to continue raising purebred Black Angus cattle. They have had the honour of selling their progeny to many different countries around the world with live cattle, embryos and semen sent to many countries including Czechoslovakia, Russia, Poland, Australia, Scotland, Ireland and England as well as all across Canada and the United States. Through these sales, many relationships and special friendships have been formed. Because of these relationships, Young Dale Angus has consigned cattle in many sales over the years, including The Summer Sensational in Virden, MB, the Fall Finale in Moose Jaw, SK, the Masterpiece Sale in Regina, SK and many other prestigious sales throughout the industry. For the past ten years in April they have held their annual bull sale in Alameda, SK.
Barry has served on boards of the Saskatchewan Angus Association and the Canadian Angus Association as well as the Canadian Western Agribition, which he still serves on today. His willingness to be a straight shooter has been sought after and respected throughout the breed and agricultural sect. He has had the privilege of judging at some of the most respected shows and one of his first opportunities was in England. He has always maintained that he has been fortunate as his boyhood dream has not only given him the freedom to do what he loves doing but has provided him many great friendships and opportunities along the way.
Barry and Marj have been married for 43 years. Their children Angie and Robb both live in Carievale; Robb farms with his parents and Angie runs a sign business, helping out with catalogues, advertising and promotion. This is a family business as Marj works with Angie as well. Their grandchildren are close by to help out and Barry has enjoyed coaching his grandson in his final year of midget hockey. He will continue his NHL coaching from the warmth and comfort of his favorite reclining chair for many years to come.
In recognition of their contribution to the community and the livestock industry, this Honour Scroll is presented to Barry & Marjorie Young at the 2014 Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference in Saskatoon.

Barry Young
Robb Young
Marj Young